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Why September?

It has been a wild summer. Speaking of cultural events, there are so many things going on back to back, amazing artists and performances. We could not just find a proper time to schedule all that. If you really think that Summer in Crete is not ending on August, or even better if you share our point of view, that quality events are taking place in September, then join us with your band and be a part of Apocoronas Music Festival



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Why Livadoura Rock Festival stopped?

Long story short: Lack of volunteering time. This big event was run by volunteers. For the last few years this was not possible. Hopefully the full team will be active again , but for now we are grateful to the Tsivaras Association and specially to Mr Vrontakis for helping us to do this in the well organized location in Tsivaras!



Small changes to the set up of the event.

Due to our host, and the massive provided backstage and facilities, (toilets, electricity, controlled perimeter, freezers etc ) we could no longer be a free entrance event. The choice of the venue is what makes this event possible nowadays. So we will have a basic 5 euro admission at the door.


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